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A new report sees multiple U.S. intelligence agencies concluding that domestic violent extremists pose an “elevated threat” to the country in 2021. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released an unclassified summary of their joint comprehensive threat assessment on domestic […]

Robert Keith Packer, the MAGA cult member who was photographed during the Capitol attack last week wearing a “Camp Auschwitz” hoodie, has been arrested. Packer was arrested Wednesday by federal authorities in Virginia on a D.C. warrant, per a report from CBS News citing a senior law enforcement official. The anti-Semite is now facing federal charges that include […]

In an Instagram Live stream on Tuesday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed that there was a moment she feared she “was going to die” during the Capitol riot.  As NBC News pointed out, Ocasio-Cortez said that at one point she had a “very close encounter,” citing security concerns at the Capitol. “I did not know if I was […]

Jagmeet Singh, the leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party,  is calling for the Liberal government to list the far-right, neo-fascist organization Proud Boys as a terrorist organization following the siege of the U.S. Capitol earlier this week.  And in an attempt to get their attention, he’s asking Canadians to sign a petition saying that they agree. “Today, […]

A seven-foot fence is being put up around the U.S. Capitol following this week’s violent and ultimately fatal insurrection attempt from MAGA cult members. On Thursday, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy announced that a seven-foot “non-scalable” fence would be erected around the property and will remain in place for “at least” 30 days. The fence, per a report […]

As all hell broke loose in the US Capitol this afternoon, Ivanka Trump took to Twitter to encourage her father’s supporters to act peacefully, instead of turning to violence. In a tweet that has since been deleted, Ivanka referred to this group of rioters as “American Patriots,” and she was appropriately dragged for making such […]

A Muslim prayer app that tells its users when to pray has reportedly sold user location data to a company that sells to U.S. military contractors. In a report by Joseph Cox for Vice, it has been revealed that Muslim Pro, an app with over 98 million downloads, is being utilized by the military for “counterterrorism” […]

Three people have been killed in a knife attack in the French city of Nice. The attacker, who killed two women and a man at the Notre Dame church, was later wounded by local police and hospitalized. The anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office is now investigating the killings, according to the Associated Press. Police are reportedly not […]

A schoolteacher was decapitated in France on Friday after allegedly showing students a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, France’s anti-terror prosecutor’s office revealed. As CNN reports, the victim’s body was found in the Parisian suburb of Éragny-sur-Oise, which is just northwest of the capital. The perpetrator of the attack was later shot dead by police in the same area. […]

It seems the Taliban is on the Trump 2020 train. During a Saturday phone interview with CBS News, a spokesperson for the Islamic fundamentalist group said its leaders are hoping Donald Trump can pull out a victory in the upcoming election. Zabihullah Mujahid suggested the primary reason behind the endorsement is the Trump administration’s efforts to withdraw troops from […]