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The next chapter of the Yeezy Gap era is a uniquely immersive and fittingly expansive one, with a Times Square flagship takeover signaling a first for the ongoing creative project headed by the artist formerly known as Kanye West. As announced on Wednesday, Yeezy Gap product will be available for the first time at Gap stores, starting […]

The Navy veteran who drove his vehicle into a crowded sidewalk in Times Square has seemingly dodged prison time. On Wednesday, a New York jury accepted the insanity defense for Richard Rojas, the 31-year-old man who plowed his Honda Accord into a crowd of pedestrians at the world-famous destination. The incident took place in May 2017, leaving 18-year-old tourist Alyssa Elsman dead and […]

A man was fatally stabbed Saturday night after getting in a dispute with another man at the prize-ticket counter at Dave & Busters in Times Square. The New York Post reports police responded to the sports bar around 11 p.m. regarding a dispute in progress. Upon arrival, authorities found a 39-year-old man with a stab wound. […]

On Tuesday, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York confirmed eight people were arrested for their involvement in an “around-the-clock” crack cocaine-selling operation in Times Square. The group of men are alleged to have sold crack around the NYC landmark area, sometimes bringing in over $10,000 a week from sales. The mission to […]

Andrew Yang is calling out the New York Daily News over cartoon that many have criticized as racist. The controversy stemmed from a recent episode of Ziwe’s Showtime series in which she asked Yang to name his favorite subway station in the Big Apple.  “It’s my stop, so Time Square,” said the NYC’s mayoral candidate. “It’s big. […]

Two women and a four-year-old were shot Saturday afternoon in Times Square, NBC New York reports. All three were rushed to the hospital. They’re currently in stable condition, and are expected to survive. The shooting occurred shortly before 5 p.m. at West 44th Street and 7th Avenue. One woman was struck in the thigh, the other was hit the foot, […]

Robert Burck, popularly known as the Times Square performer “Naked Cowboy,” was arrested Saturday in Florida during Daytona Beach’s annual Bike Week, the Orlando Sentinel reports.  Dayton Beach police claim Burck was dressed in his usual “Naked Cowboy” attire of white briefs, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, and a guitar when they saw attendees gather around him […]

Authorities say an investigation is underway after video showed a vehicle driving through a group of demonstrators in Midtown Manhattan. According to the Gothamist, the incident occurred Thursday night near the Times Square pedestrian plaza, where a black Ford Taurus rammed through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters. Footage captured the vehicle honking and pulling up to a line up people who […]

The New York City Police Department has issued a statement clarifying that sounds mistaken for gun shots in Times Square were actually the result of “motorcycles backfiring.” The department said Tuesday night they had received multiple 911 inquiries and urged those in the region to refrain from panic, as the sounds were merely the result […]

If you needed another excuse not to go to Times Square this New Years Eve, here’s one: the New York City Police Department will be deploying drones during the celebration to enforce security. As if the two million projected attendees wouldn’t already steer you away, this year the massive crowds will be accompanied by flying […]

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