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It’s a historic night for Joe Biden. The president is delivering his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday night, which also marks the eve of his 100th day in office. Biden is expected to tout his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, his administration’s role in getting tens of millions of Americans vaccinated, and his plan […]

A woman believed to be the oldest known person in the United States passed away this weekend at the age of 115, The Charlotte Observer reports. Hester Ford died peacefully at her Charlotte home Saturday, leaving behind a family that includes 68 grandchildren, 125 great-grandchildren, and at least 120 great-great-grandchildren.  “She was a pillar and stalwart to […]

Honduran immigrant Vicky Chavez was greeted by a cheering crowd on Thursday, as she stepped outside a Salt Lake City church for the first time in three years. The 33-year-old mother and her two daughters have been living in the First Unitarian Church since January 2018, when the congregation offered the family sanctuary from deportation. “I have no words to […]

An adult man inexplicably shared a video of himself on TikTok getting embarrassed by a 12-year-old who confronted him for hanging a Confederate flag on his porch. The exchange, which was captured by a security camera positioned outside his home, starts with the kid walking up to the grown man on his bike, and asking him […]

On Monday, several Democrats, headlined by Senators Elizabeth Warren, as well as reps Pramila Jayapal (Washington) and Brendan Boyle (Pennsylvania), and co-sponsored by Bernie Sanders, proposed a new tax that would take 3 percent annually on wealth that surpasses $1 billion, in addition to a 2 percent tax of households and trusts with wealth valued between $50 million and […]

Life expectancy in the United States has seen a significant drop amid the coronavirus pandemic, especially among minorities. As the Associated Press reports, life expectancy among Americans dropped one year overall during the first half of 2020 as the country was ravaged by COVID-19. Black Americans in particular were hit hardest, losing three years of life expectancy, while Hispanics lost almost […]

POTUS didn’t waste any time. Just hours after he was sworn in as the nation’s 46th president, Joe Biden began rolling back some of Donald Trump‘s most contested policies. Associated Press reports Biden signed a total of 17 executive actions—15 of which were orders—that cover everything from climate change and the U.S.-Mexico border wall to the coronavirus pandemic and the […]

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund has announced the launch of a program aimed at ushering 50 new civil rights lawyers into the South. The scholarship initiative, which comes from a $40 million donation from a single anonymous donor, will pay for the law school tuition in exchange for a eight-year commitment towards racial justice work specifically in the South. […]

Jagmeet Singh, the leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party,  is calling for the Liberal government to list the far-right, neo-fascist organization Proud Boys as a terrorist organization following the siege of the U.S. Capitol earlier this week.  And in an attempt to get their attention, he’s asking Canadians to sign a petition saying that they agree. “Today, […]

As all hell broke loose in the US Capitol this afternoon, Ivanka Trump took to Twitter to encourage her father’s supporters to act peacefully, instead of turning to violence. In a tweet that has since been deleted, Ivanka referred to this group of rioters as “American Patriots,” and she was appropriately dragged for making such […]