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During a round of press he did on Tuesday, White House health advisor Anthony Fauci referred to COVID-19 as his “worst nightmare,” and warned that the world’s fight against the pandemic is not nearly a wrap.  As Fauci put it, the virus is “something that’s highly transmissible. … In a period—if you just think about it—in a […]

A Maine factory that produces coronavirus testing supplies said it will have to discard all nasal swabs that were made during Donald Trump‘s Friday visit. The news comes after Maine officials expressed concern over the state’s shortage of medical swabs, which has limited its testing capacity and overall mission to combat the spread of the virus. A spokesperson for Puritan […]

In a lengthy video message, Dwayne Johnson has expressed his support for the Black Lives Matter movement and put pressure on Donald Trump. “Where are you? Where is our leader?” Johnson says in the passionate video. “Where is our leader at this time when our country is down on its knees, begging, pleading, hurt, angry, […]

James Mattis is ripping into his former boss Donald Trump. On Wednesday, the former Defense Secretary issued a lengthy statement addressing the president’s failure to unite the country amid civil unrest sparked by George Floyd‘s death. Mattis, who resigned from Trump’s cabinet in 2018, specifically slammed the president for using the military “to intimidate protestors and inflame tensions,” […]

Tiger King subject and impending Nicolas Cage source material Joe Exotic‘s legal team will be taking their campaign for a presidential pardon to the Washington D.C. “Well, hey, greetings from Fort Worth, Texas,” Eric Love, the guy leading the charge, said in a statement to TMZ this week that was filmed in front of the notorious […]

On Monday, President Trump abruptly ended his latest press briefing after a contentious dispute with a pair of reporters. This dispute began after one reporter, CBS News’ Weijia Jiang, asked a question about testing.  “You have said many times that the U.S. is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing,” Jiang […]

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is set to enter a “modified quarantine.”  The health expert told CNN on Saturday he decided to make the move after having “low-risk” contact with a White House staffer who tested positive for coronavirus. Fauci explained he wouldn’t undergo a full quarantine because he was […]

Former President Barack Obama has some thoughts on how Donald Trump’s administration has responded to the coronavirus pandemic. As CNN reports, Obama called the administration’s response “an absolute chaotic disaster,” echoing the sentiments many of us have been feeling these past few months. His comments were made during a private call on Friday, and they have been confirmed by three […]

The White House Coronavirus Task Force may be phased out in the upcoming weeks, as states across the country struggle to curb infection rates amid economic reopenings.  President Donald Trump addressed the move during his Tuesday stop at a mask factory in Phoenix. POTUS praised Vice President Mike Pence, the chairman of the task force, and other members for […]

Joe Exotic is reportedly quite adamant about getting some pardon-based attention from fellow reality TV concoction Donald J. Trump. That’s the latest from the stalwarts of importance over at TMZ, who reported very early Tuesday that Mr. Exotic—who rose to headline omnipresence thanks to the Netflix hit Tiger King—is said to have his legal team […]