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An employee recently fired from a Little Caesars Pizza in Cincinnati has been arrested for allegedly shooting her former manager for not rehiring her, WXIX reports. Angel Kidd, 27, is facing a felonious assault charge after she critically wounded her manager last Tuesday. Police say Kidd “returned to the business after being fired and requested her job […]

Rick Ross is convinced “begging” will get you nowhere in life. The 46-year-old hip-hop mogul shared his thoughts via Instagram this week, claiming those who want handouts are “fucked up” and detached from reality.  “I already know how it go. That’s why I go hard, because I know how it go,” he said in a video reshared by […]

A 100-year-old Brazilian man has set the Guinness World Record for the longest tenure at the same company, after working for a textile firm for 84 years. Guinness World Records reports the record was verified on January 6. Walter Orthmann, who turned 100 on April 19, started working at ReneauxView, previously called Industrias Renaux S.A., when he was […]

A TikToker says he lost his job after he moved into an office cubicle out of “protest.” Chibuzor Ejimofor, who goes by Simon Jackson online, went viral earlier this month with a video titled “Check out my new [apartment].” The TikTok shows the 28-year-old inside an office as he unpacks his belongings and places them in cabinets and desk […]

Kim Kardashian is catching heat over what many have called “tone deaf” comments about work ethic. The 41-year-old reality star made the remarks during a recent interview with Variety, in which she and her family discussed their respective business ventures and shared some tips for others who were looking to succeed. “I have the best advice for women in business,” […]

Many of us dream of a shorter work week. Could this dream actually become a reality in the near future? A recent survey from Maru Public Opinion, a market research group, shows that a vast majority of full-time workers in Canada prefer a four-day work week. For the same pay, 79 percent of those full-time workers would rather take […]

While most Canadians were hit hard by the pandemic over the last couple of years thanks to layoffs, reduced hours and dangerous working conditions, a new report has found that the nation’s top 100 CEOs had quite the payday. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) found that company leaders had their second-best year for earnings in the country’s […]

Elon Musk has some advice for his billionaire rival Jeff Bezos: work harder. In a recent interview with the Financial Times, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO spoke candidly about his ongoing space race against the Amazon founder. Musk, who was just named FT’s and Time’s Person of the Year, referred to Bezos as a “friend” with “reasonably good engineering […]

A German man can claim workers’ compensation after slipping on his way from his bedroom to his home office. The Guardian reports that a court in Germany ruled the man’s walk to his home office—consisting of “a few meters”—counts as him commuting. The man’s home office is located on the floor beneath his bedroom, and […]

The Ontario government has passed a new law that prioritizes employees’ work-life balance. Announced on Tuesday, the “Working for Workers Act” requires Ontario businesses with 25 people or more to have a written policy outlining employees’ rights when it comes to disconnecting from their job at the end of the work day. Businesses will be required to create […]