Disney+ Finally Has a Live-Action ‘X-Men’ Movie and Its F-Bomb Is Intact
Written by SOURCE on July 10, 2020
There’s finally a live-action X-Men film available to stream on Disney+, and surprisingly it’s arrived without edits to its more mature content.
Often regarded as one of the best films in 21st Century Fox’s X-Men series, Days of Future Past is available for streaming on the platform in the U.S. So far there hasn’t been a lot of superhero movies outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe on Disney+, but it would appear Disney is finally drip-feeding some of its formerly Fox-owned catalogue to viewers. Other X-Men movies are poised to appear on Disney+ later this summer, too, with Apocalypse, The Wolverine, and the original X-Men scheduled to arrive in the coming weeks.
Interestingly, unlike some content on Disney+, X-Men: Days of Future Past hasn’t any cenorship despite feature Hugh Jackman’s caboose and a notable f-bomb. Both scenes appear intact, and fans have already begun to notice. So far there’s no confirmation if First Class, which also has a , will make it to Disney+ down the line or not. It’s worth noting that Apocalypse also has an instance of “fuck,” too.
Some fans have begun to ponder whether this is the first instance of the word on Disney+, opening the possibility for other PG-13 rated titles to follow.
As the A.V. Club reported earlier this year, the Disney+ version of the Tom Hanks movie Splash edited out the butts. Maybe there’s some double standards when it comes to nudity in film, or maybe Disney feared a strong reaction from X-Men fans who want Jackman’s ass to appear as originally intended. Whatever the reason, Days of Future Past is now available for streaming in its PG-13 form.
See reactions to the release of Days of Future Past on Disney+ below.