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In an interview for a GRAZIA Magazine cover story, Kim Kardashian talked about what it was like to tend to Kanye West when the latter half of the power couple is said to have been stricken with COVID-19 earlier this year. For those thinking they missed something, West believes he contracted the coronavirus back in February

“Kanye had it way at the beginning, when nobody really knew what was going on,” Kardashian said. “It was so scary and unknown. I had my four babies and no-one else in the house to help.”

After that quote is as good a time as any to note that Kardashian and West share four kids, all aged between 16 months and seven-years-old. 

“I had to go and change his sheets and help him get out of bed when he wasn’t feeling good,” she added. “It was a challenge because it was so unknown.”

According to Kim, Kanye had COVID-19 about the same time that it was announced that both Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson‘s immune systems had been compromised by the virus. 

“Changing his sheets with gloves and a face shield was really a scary time,” Kardashian said, according to People

In July, West gave an interview to Forbes where he, in part, talked about the symptoms he was feeling earlier in 2020. 

“Chills, shaking in the bed, taking hot showers, looking at videos telling me what I’m supposed to do to get over it,” the rapper told the outlet of his experience with the virus. “I remember someone had told me Drake had the coronavirus and my response was Drake can’t be sicker than me!”

For the sake of full context, A.) Let us note that that second part about Drake was a joke. And B.) Let us also note that Drake later said he tested negative

In other Kanye news, he was reportedly put on the ballot in California as a result of being named the vice presidential candidate of *looks it up* American Independent Party candidate Rocky De La Fuente. TMZ reports that the AIP came up with the decision back in late August during its state convention. Also, in what is perhaps the most interesting part of the story, TMZ says the idea was not run past West, nor De La Fuente (who is reportedly pissed about it), before it was approved. The AIP’s plan is also said to be a ploy to try and take potential votes from Joe Biden. At last check, Biden had about a 30-point lead on Trump in California, which is to say that this idea is pretty dumb.

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