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LeBron James and Maverick Carter‘s Uninterrupted has launched a new campaign that aims to empower and achieve visibility for football players. 

The campaign, which is dubbed They Will Be Seen, has created a glass helmet. In a press release, Uninterrupted points out that NFL players’ faces “are usually hidden from view on TV by large helmets” and that “most NFL players are largely unknown and unrecognizable to the fans who love the teams they play on…” Uninterrupted continued: “They Will Be Seen aims to let the individuals’ face shine through a glass helmet, and as a part of that visual representation, calls on all of us to rethink how we look at NFL players.”

The clear helmets were designed by Victor Solomon. Saquon Barkley, Alex Mattison, Andy Isabella, Benny Snell, Damian Harris, Devin Singletary, Diontae Johnson, Hakeem Butler, Miles Boykin, N’Keal Harry, and Parris Campbell are also involved with the campaign. 

“With the glass helmet, UNINTERRUPTED created a content series and campaign with NFL players in which they put on the glass helmet and demand to be seen for the humans they are, not just for the plays that they can make on the field,”  Uninterrupted said in the aforementioned statement. “Each player involved has also filled out a ‘draft card,’ but instead of having facts about their height, weight and physical abilities, their cards outline who they are as humans, their interests, and what makes them more than a football player.”

Check out a video from the campaign up top.

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