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Metallica Pay Tribute to Chris Cornell During Boston Show | Billboard News

Written by on March 24, 2019

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Reader's opinions
  1. Sky Capella   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    Why is there so so much anger here? that is not what Chris would want this to become.Like Chris once said "We live in this virtual type world where everyone on there cell phones and shit while this beautiful planted we live on goes unnoticed"Chris Cornell is that sweet sunshower….Love you Chris

  2. Steven Grace   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    him saying that at the end actually has nothing to do with metallica forgiving chris, they wanted it to be known its the exact opposite of the songs meaning that they played, to show respect. a pun that people didnt understand evidently lol

  3. peoplevsradio317   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    unforgiven is a song about a friend dying before getting a chance to say goodbye…jamez and Chris were friends…they just played Unforgiven… fuck you for telling a man how to grieve for his friend

  4. Jeff Myron   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    Everyone calm down. He didn't mean forgive as if Chris did something wrong.

    He just played unforgiven and said we forgive you. It's just in context to the song. Could he have said it better like "Rest in Peace" Chris instead of that…yes he could have but he didn't.

    Metallica has no beef with Chris or sound garden or anything of that. It was just a friendly RIP statement but in relation to the song. You can all unbunch your panties now

  5. Nate S   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    Douchebags could've paid a more sincere tribute during their set at Rock on the Range, where Soundgarden was supposed to headline day 1. This is one of many reasons I no longer like metallica

  6. LordGandor3   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    Faked celebrity deaths are fun !
    Some people question the unusual amount of celebrity deaths that have occurred in the last few years but sheople just accept what the propaganda news media feeds them. John Lennon said the world is run by insane people & you are about to see how insane they really are. Trillionaire psychopaths control all governments of the world, they control the entertainment industry. They control the brainwashing educational institutions you were indoctrinated in. They control the Big Pharma Healthkill system (vaccines suppress the immune system & they disrupt your hormones), they control the judicial system. They control the military & local law enforcement. They control all weather with HAARP frequency technology which is also capable of purposely causing tsunamis & earthquakes. They control the toxic Monsanto food industry. They spray chemtrails worldwide that contain aluminum nano particles you breathe in. They even put aluminum in underarm deodorants which is a big reason why breast cancer rates have sky rocketed. Aluminum also migrates to the brain & accumulates as does mercury. Aluminum is a conductor that can & will be used with military microwave compliance weapons. They have been cloning humans since the 50's. They hide the fact giants existed thousands of years ago. They have the bones from giants so they can clone new ones & they can cross hybridize them with animals to stage a fake War of the Worlds alien invasion but first they need to disarm the commoners which is why there are so many false flag shootings. They are going to repeal the 2nd Amendment. In Nazi Germany they disarmed the commoners & 10 million Germans were slaughtered because they were unable to defend themselves. The US government has built 1000 FEMA camps which will be used as Nazi death camps. Most people are clueless & many people who have been told about this just laugh it off as just a "conspiracy theory"

    We are living in end times Book of Revelation yet most people have no clue. The reason they are getting away with their sinister plans is because of modern technology. Weather control dates back to the 1920's. The floods of 1927 were engineered so they could create bigger government. All weather good & bad is geo engineered.

    The psycho elite have a plan to reduce the world population down to a more controllable 500 million master n servant Orwellian utopia so billions will die before God commands his Angels to return for the Battle of Armageddon. Most of you are either Agnostic or Atheist but if you would open your eyes & heart you'd see the Bible is the Truth. To those deceived Christians who believe they will be miraculously "raptured", that's not going to happen. The false Catholic empire made up false doctrines such as the rapture, the trinity & the eternal hell torment doctrine. There is no literal place of eternal torment. Jesus is the Son of God he is not God the Son (Jesus is the Archangel Michael) & there won't be any miraculous rapture so if you are alive your faith will be put to the test !

    We need to detox by fasting, drinking at least 1 gallon per day of pure homemade distilled water, eat an organic plant based diet & avoid processed sugar, artificial sweeteners & definitely avoid vaccines because they contain heavy metals & other toxinsRead more Show less

  7. trevor Lewis   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    just maybe he was on about the people at the festival hoping to see soundgarden, dont you think chris would be disgusted with all this shit you guys are writing??? show some respect!!!!

  8. Brinky Brinkz   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    James Hetfield I forgive you for being such an ugly fuck. I love your old mans pock marked alcoholic drinking nose. In which you need a punch. Forgive the doctors who give musicians hardcore medication with horrific side effects.

  9. L Gonzalez   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    Yeah that was an asshole comment , your not even family so what gives you the right to put your two sense in. And "WE" forgive? Was this a unanimous decision or was it just you not thinking before speaking ! What exactly is there to forgive, we don't know what happened in that hotel room or what he was thinking! He was sober for over a decade come on people this wasn't intentional. SMH James you lost major points with that bullshit comment!
    We love you Chris and you will be missed, you have touched us deeply with your music over the years there will NEVER be anyone else comparable to you.
    Rock on wherever you are !!!!

  10. zachi70   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    I've kinda always given Metallica some slack for all the bullshit they've been pulling over the years, but this snide comment takes the cake. "We forgive you?" Who does Hetfield think they are?

  11. ROOKTABULA   On   March 24, 2019 at 1:33 am

    What does Cornell have to be forgiven by Hetfield for? Unless Het's found religion like his fukt old man had and thinks Cornell sinned. If that's the case I just might have to send James a loud GFY.

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