Mother Accused of Dislocating Son’s Jaw Because He Wouldn’t Stop Playing ‘Fortnite’
Written by SOURCE on October 26, 2019
A South Florida woman is accused of assaulting her 10-year-old son because he refused to stop playing Fortnite.
According to CBS17, the incident occurred at around 5 p.m. Wednesday, when 35-year-old Ann Perugia had told her child to turn off the video game and take a shower. The situation ended up ugly. The 10-year-old told police “he forgot to do as he was told” and was confronted by his mother about 10 minutes later.
He reportedly told Perugia he had not taken a shower yet and preceded to make his way to the bathroom. The boy claims his mother followed him into the bathroom and the punched him in the face. CBS17 reports the child sustained a dislocated jaw and, according to the police report, had scratches all over his body.
After the alleged punch, Perugia reportedly called her son’s father and instructed him to pick the child up. The dad, Brian Butler, claims when he arrived at the residence he saw the boy standing in the front yard with a bag of clothes and shoes. At that point, Perugia allegedly came out of the house and demanded Butler to take their son and leave.
The Miami Herald reports the child informed his father that Perugia had punched him, which prompted the child’s aunt to call the police. Authorities eventually went to the mother’s house and heard a much different story.
Perugia reportedly told officers she had allowed her son to play Fortnite with his friends after school, but when she told him to get off the game and take a shower, he simply told her no. The mother said he eventually got up and made his way to the bathroom. Perugia admits she followed him and asked him why he was having so much attitude.
“I hate you and you don’t do anything for me,” the boy responded, according to his mother. It was at this time, Perugia claims, she called her son’s father and asked him to pick their child up. Police say she never mentioned hitting the child.
Perugia was arrested and charged with infliction of mental and physical injury to a child. The Miami Herald reports she is being held without bond.