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Nearly 200 Goats Broke Free From Enclosure in San Jose

Written by on May 14, 2020

A trip of about 200 goats somehow managed to break through the boards of an electric fence in a neighborhood in east San Jose, California on Tuesday, turning the area, which is under lockdown, into their very own stomping grounds, NBC Bay Area reports

Zach Roelands, 23, captured the hilarious footage below showing the many, many, many goats roaming the streets, and munching on any grass that they could find. 

Roelands told USA TODAY that the goats are usually kept in an enclosure on a hill behind their house for two or three days every year so they can “clear out the dead grass” that could be set ablaze. Zach’s father Terry said the hill actually caught on fire about 15 years ago. This all started because one of the goats broke the boards on the fence to try and eat some flowers on the other side. After one of them succeeded, others tried to do the same. 

This isn’t the first time goats have turned a suddenly isolated city due to a coronavirus-related lockdown into their own. In late March, mountain goats wrecked havoc on the town of Llandudno in North Wales for a few days. Not even a run-in with the cops could stop these animals from doing whatever they wanted to do. Llandudno residents would probably admit that the goat takeover may have been cute at first, but it got out of hand real fast. 

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