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PWR BTTM: A Timeline of Their Rapid Descent | Billboard News

Written by on March 19, 2019

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Reader's opinions
  1. J rocs   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    We need to also know, that people lie. Look into it more. Investigate more. Sexual assault is serious, but people do lie about it.
    It's fucked up.

  2. Snow Doll   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    I still support them and I always will unless I see real proof. An anonymous accusation isn’t proof. There is no reason to ever jump on the sjw train.
    I’m a sexual abuse survivor and I don’t want to live in a world where people always believe the victim.
    There is no proof, there is nothing.

  3. ZA_Survivalist   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    It was all fake. Just overly triggered SJW’s hunting their own. Fucking pathetic. They made great music.
    Sexual predator? The dude weighs 100lbs.. fuckin really? Whats he gunna do? Seriously..

  4. Galen T   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    It is a tragedy, as this band could have done a lot to bridge the gap between the spectrum of sexual orientations. I wonder if they got a fair deal… Goes without writing that there are laws against sexual abuse. Why wasn't there a criminal legal complaint and arrest?

  5. aaron dumont   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    i just don't think these allegations are fair…. there was no charge, no trial, nothing at all apart from anecdote…. personally i think it's ridiculous that someone can have their career just fucking obliterated over such flimsy allegations… I also sense a MASSIVE double standard here. Chris Brown, John Lennon, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie (although Bowie was very gender nonconforming and somehow was unscathed by the allegations surrounding him), so much much more….

  6. Chad Russell   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    So it's cool for Donald Trump to talk to Billy Bush about grabbing women by the pussy. Billy Bush gets canned by NBC. Donald Trump goes on to become President of the United States. We all heard for ourselves what that recording entailed. Where's the evidence against Been? It's amazing how just one remark can destroy someone's career even if they are innocent. The timing of this is very suspicious. Unfortunately we live in a society today people are guilty until proven innocent and even if you are proven innocent the scar remains and you're still fucked for the rest of your life. For now it's allegations and I'm going to continue to listen their music.

  7. Beach Divorce   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    This makes me so so sad 🙁 I had only recently found out about PWR BTTM when the allegations came up. I listen to a lot of bands but PWR BTTM is the only one where i can, in all honesty, say that it changed my life. I watched interviews and all with Liv and Ben and they seemed like great humans. I really hope there's nothing to the allegations.

  8. Rocket Runner   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    So just someone saying someone has done something,I take it no one has offered proof as of yet,is enough to ruin a bands career.I thought there was this thing called justice,where crimes have to be proved to be true before someone is held accountable for them,so much for the J in SJW,but then again I've always regarded anyone who called themselves an SJW as a hypocrite and cunt.

  9. K Mac   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    About the suspicious timing at which this came out; They had the opportunity to completely ruin Ben's career in a moment where the spotlight was on Pwr Bttm. It's the biggest "fuck you too" someone could pull off in this situation. If the allegations are true they definitely deserved all of this and if they aren't they should've denied it already. Which they haven't.

  10. Pancakemachine 3000   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    Man I sure love how Ben Hopkins was literally ACCUSED of rape, not convicted, and is part of a band that for once actually gives lgbt representation in the music industry and then pwr bttm is torn down instantly, whereas people like Chris brown can just be openly homophobic and convicted of literally beating women, yet also have 20.5 million followers (currently) and no doubt make a shit ton of money off of their albums, concerts, merch, etc.

  11. James Dean   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    who cares what they do on their time I'm not even gay and I loved their music just because I liked their guitar and I don't give personalities. of you really were a fan stay out of their personal lives and fuck off listen to the music see a show and go home.

  12. Alexisacookie   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    I just started listening to there music a week before this all happened then I started seeing there songs slowly getting removed from Spotify and SoundCloud and everywhere else and this is why it's so upsetting

  13. MrMagicalManatee   On   March 19, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    this is really upsetting. but the timing of this is very, very odd. We should wait before making accusations on these two. From experience, sexual assault cases can be very, very messy and not as clear cut as we would like, due to the gravity of the situation. I certainly will try not to cast aspersions based on them being targeted by media (for good reason). Cases like this are about to be a lot more common.

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